Admission process

Admissions procedure for 2025

Our school is an EPLEI (Établissement Public Local d’Enseignement International) under the authority of the Ministry of Education, the Rectorat de l’Académie de Lille, the Hauts-de-France region, the Nord département, the Métropole Européenne de Lille and the Marcq-en-Baroeul town council.
The school admits students on the basis of a set of criteria defined according to priority categories. The admissions procedure runs from January to July for the following September. The number of places offered depends on the number of places available in each class.
Admissions decisions are made by a committee made up of officials from the Lille Academy.
In accordance with the RGPD, the school does not keep files once the admissions procedure has been completed, and does not keep applications from one year to the next.
The school now mainly admits pupils to the new nursery classes which open each September. It is also possible to apply for admission to one of our existing primary and secondary classes if places become available.
The form will be published until Friday 28 February 2025 23:59.
Calendar of the admissions timetable for the start of the school year in september 2025
Month | Phase in the process |
January | Distance information meetings (videoconference) Monday 20 January 2025, 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm: meeting in French. Download the presentation Thursday 23 January 2025, 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm: meeting in English Download the presentation These meetings are organised to present the school and answer any questions families may have. Please note that we will have very few places available for the 2025/2026 school year. |
February | Publication of the online form for admissions applications. The form will be published until Friday 28 February 2025 23:59. ACCESS TO THE ADMISSIONS FORM |
March | The Admissions Committee examines applications for admission. |
April | Invitations to the language tests. Your child will only be invited to the test depending on the number of applications received and the number of places available. |
May | Sending of admission decisions for the first phase and request for confirmation. No reply will be considered as a withdrawal of admission to the École Européenne Lille Métropole Jacques Delors. Complementary list: Families of students on the complementary list are contacted by e-mail or telephone depending on the number of places available. No reply will be considered as a withdrawal of admission to the École Européenne Lille Métropole Jacques Delors. |
June | Letters of enrolment will be sent out. Enrolments: families complete the enrolment form by post or in person at the École Européenne Lille Métropole Jacques Delors. |
June | The second admissions phase, open only to families in categories 1, 2 and 3, arriving in France between March and July. Please send an email to with your application (specifying the section and class). Applications will only be considered for classes for which places are available. |
September 1st | End of activation of the complementary lists – as of this date, the list will be complete. |
Admission criteria
Pupils are admitted to the school according to the priority criteria set out below.
Category | Criteria | Documents to be supplied |
1 – Children of staff of the European institutions and agencies and children previously enrolled at a school in the European Schools network. | No language test, places reserved subject to availability | • Employer’s certificate • Certificate of attendance in a European School If siblings already attend EELM • Photocopy of family record book If students on scholarship or in a similar financial situation • Proof of financial scholarship, French “attestation de quotient familial” or family income to take account of financial situation |
2a – Children of staff from European and international partners and organisations, including children of European School staff 2b – Siblings of pupils currently attending primary school only at the Lille Metropole European School and applying for admission to primary school. This criterion does not apply to applications for admission to secondary school. | – Language test in L1 if the section applied for does not correspond to the child’s mother tongue – Language test in L2 for secondary only | • Employer’s certificate • Cover letter detailing the family’s European project If siblings already attend EELM • Photocopy of family record book If students on scholarship or in a similar financial situation • Proof of financial scholarship, French “attestation de quotient familial” or family income to take account of financial situation |
3 – Children of families where one of the legal guardians is on international mobility assignment with a regional company (priority will be given to families who have settled in France for less than a year). | – Language test in L1 if the section applied for does not correspond to the child’s mother tongue – Language test in L2 for secondary only | • Employer’s certificate • Cover letter detailing the family’s European project If siblings already attend EELM • Photocopy of family record book If students on scholarship or in a similar financial situation • Proof of financial scholarship, French “attestation de quotient familial” or family income to take account of financial situation |
4 – Children with language skills for whom the legal guardians want a European education. | – Language test in L1 if the section applied for does not correspond to the child’s mother tongue – Language test in L2 for secondary only | • Cover letter detailing the family’s European project If siblings already attend EELM • Photocopy of family record book If students on scholarship or in a similar financial situation • Proof of financial scholarship, French “attestation de quotient familial” or family income to take account of financial situation |
Important note: if the number of applications in any one category (1, 2, 3, 4) exceeds the number of places available, priority will be given to the following:
- Students on scholarships or in a similar financial situation;
- Brothers and sisters of students currently studying at the École Européenne Lille Métropole.